Cloud Pink
Cloud Pink
Cloud Pink

Cloud Pink

Optimistic. Confident. Uplifting.

Empowering and optimistic the Ariana Grande Cloud Pink fragrance is inspired by a confidence that reveals both beauty and strength, no matter the storm.

Ariana Grande’s new fragrance CLOUD PINK is a sensual blend of ambery woods, moss crystal, and a touch of sweetened praline. The journey begins with a velvety blend of rich berries and sparkling fruit while the delicate floralcy of vanilla orchid and blush ambrette wrap you in an embrace of feathery, cotton-like clouds. The lasting impression, a warm blend of addictive, skin-sensual musk and amber woods indulge the senses.

Fragrance Notes

Top: Pink Pineapple, Dragon Fruit, Berries
Mid: Vanilla Orchid, Coconut Water, Blush Ambrette
Base: Moss Crystal, Amber Woods, Musk, Praline

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